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The Gers region

The Gers is full of summer festivals with internationally renowned Jazz in Marciac, the Mirande Country Music Festival with a rally of American cars. Highlights in Vic Fezensac are the Pentecôte Feria and the Tempo Latino festival, which is the biggest Latin music festival in Europe, the Bandas y Penas European festival in Condom. Eauze celebrates its past of ancient capital with the Gallo-Roman festival, but also organizes a Feria, a comic strip festival and La Flamme de L’Armagnac. The city of Auch celebrates classical music with the festival Eclats de Voix and the modern circus with the festival Circa.

The racing circuit Paul Armagnac organizes several times a year racing trucks, motorcycles,  racing cars and a Classic Car Show. Lupiac, native village of d’Artagnan stages his hero with a festival. Termes d’Armagnac, celebrates the Middle Ages all summer with Medievales for young and old.

Each season in the Gers features of a multitude of events such as Cuivrofolies in Fleurance, Nuits Musicales en Armagnac and Musique en chemin which are classical music festivals, Pyrotechnic festival and the photographic summer in Lectoure, Medieval festivals, Flamme of Armagnac and “A Bras Ouverts” in Montreal du Gers, Fête des fleurs in Fourcès, bullfighting and courses landaises from Easter to September, village fêtes with community outdoor dining in music and rugby games a passion in the Gers.

The Gers is full of places of culture and history:

  • Eauze : Le Trésor d’Eauze is a magnificient 3rd century gallo-roman treasure.
  • Eauze : Musée de la Domus : archeological site and Museum presenting the gallo-roman era in a fun educative way.
  • Eauze, vineyards visist in the Armagnac region, Floc de Gascogne,  vin de pays Côtes de Gascogne.
  • Vic Fezensac, music festival Tempo Latino and Pentecôte à Vic features a feria as well as  traditional bullfights.
  • Nogaro and its car racing track Paul Armagnac.
  • Lavardens, castle, village and art exhibitions.
  • Marciac and its world reknown jazz festival.
  • Auch, the old town, the cathedral and the Jacobin museum.
  • Lupiac et the d’Artagnan museum, Castelmore castle his birthplace.
  • Lectoure, the old fortified town, the spas, the Pastel museum, the firework festival and the antique dealers village.




Your English is better than my French-Eric Kirchmann
Magazine Food and Sens - septembre 2022
The Times-septembre 2022
Magazine L'Auto-Journal-juillet-août-septembre 2022
Table d'Hôtes en Occitanie, Midi Magazine, Avril 2022
The Guardian Newspaper-septembre 2021
The Times- 21 August 2021
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Magazine Style Campagne- septembre octobre 2017
Viajar, Espagne, Mai 2020
Les carnets de Julie-Tome 2
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